Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Following Directions

by Timothy Howe

Another Fine View
We were walking in the city when a glance down this street reminded us that awe-inspiring views strike us from all angles everywhere we look. This street is up near the hill that has the famous "Crookedest Street," Lombard Street. It overlooks the Bay into Oakland with a shot of one section of the Bay Bridge. 

When we decided to take the photo, I looked for the perspective with the least obstacles in sight. I wished that the view didn't have all the street signs and such so that I could capture an unobstructed shot at the Bridge and Oakland. I took several photos, including this one. 

Upon later reflection, though, I realized that I preferred the image with the signs. They seem to give it character. And in a bit of irony, it was the red light visible in the photo which caused all traffic to stop so that I could get the photograph in the first place. Imagine here the Howes literally standing in the middle of an intersection with cars all around us.

The signs in the image offer important information. Certain signs tell drivers and pedestrians when to go and when to stop. Other signs explain which street you are on. Not visible in this photo but all around this very location are signs which indicate where and when you may park your car, who to call in an emergency, that you are to "curb your dog" (always an odd phrase to me), and what time trash pick-up and street cleaning exist for that area.

Life is full of such directions. I made dinner with a new recipe last night. The recipe gave precise directions on how to make the marinade, how to prepare the meat, and how long to cook the meat. Medications we take give precise directions. Assembling furniture from a box store comes with a sheet of directions, often minus one screw. 

Faith Directions
Faith also comes with directions. I am a follower of Jesus. This means that I have placed my trust in Him. I know many people who claim to have done the same thing. What I have discovered is that someone who says he or she follows Jesus doesn't always act like Jesus. Now, I know that none of us are perfect. I am far from it. But shouldn't being called the follower of someone suggest that we do what they did? 

Jesus Gave Directions
More importantly, Jesus did not just live an exemplary life for us to emulate. He actually spelled out how His followers should behave. Shouldn't being a follower of Jesus mean that we do what He commanded us to do? Many people say that they are Christians and yet do not give evidence that they are following Christ's directions.

So, what did Jesus tells us to do? My next blog will list some of those commands. But I am curious as to what you already feel that Jesus commanded us to do. Please let me know what should characterize the life of a follower of Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. "Let not your heart be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me." As our faith in Jesus grows, so does our defense against worrying. Many other references in Jesus' teachings about not being anxious about tomorrow...I also like that some of his last words on earth were, "Feed my sheep," if you love me. What a great commission for those of us involved in Christian Education!
