Monday, April 21, 2014


by Timothy Howe

Walking with Directions
I love walking through the city. There are so many interesting sights to see. On a trip not too long ago, there was a specific store that we wanted to take our children to visit. The parking around that area is expensive and hard to find, so we parked some blocks away and walked there. It was an area that I knew fairly well, so I served as the guide for the family on this trip. I was aware of the most direct path and I also knew what way to go in order to see the most interesting things. So, I led and the family followed. We walked past parks, fountains, beautifully designed architecture, markets, cafes, a museum and an old church. Each turn around a corner offered a new vista and adventure. We took as much pleasure in the going as we did in arriving at our destination. How much better our walk went because I knew the way to go! 

Walking without Directions
Contrast this with how a trip goes when you are in an unfamiliar place, when no one knows where to go. That is a less relaxed trip. You can spend all of your time trying to find the correct path and you care much less about seeing the sights along the way. There is much more anxiety. Directions make a big difference!

Directions for His Followers
Last week I mentioned that as a follower of Jesus, I have life directions on account of my faith. Jesus is the leader that I follow. And as one would expect of a leader, he left us many clear directions to follow. As I looked throughout the books that describe his ministry (called Gospels), I notice that he actually left a lot of directions. Some were specific to those around him, like when he told his disciples to go and prepare a meal for him or to go fishing. Other commands were aimed at crowds gathering around him, such as when he tells them to change their ways of living or simply to sit down. 

The directions I am most interested in are those that He gave in general to anyone who wanted to follow after him. What did Jesus expect of his followers? Various people have tried to count precisely how many commands Jesus issued. I have seen lists that contained 50. He offered much teaching in a famous speech called the Sermon on the Mount. For various reasons, I'll pass over it at the moment. Besides that, there were many other direct teachings that he offered His followers. There are four that I perceive to be among His most important. 

When specifically asked what was the greatest commandment, Jesus answered in two parts. Love people and love God (Matthew 22:36-40). This was a good typical answer of His faith community of His time. Jesus was not surprising anyone with this answer. Yet, the answer is profound in its simplicity. Our faith is based on a simple truth - love. The chief characteristic of the followers of Jesus is love. 

Meet the Needs of Others
Jesus explained to His disciples that how they treat other people is very important to Him. He makes this teaching very clear. Feed the hungry, welcome the foreigner, provide clothes for the needy, visit the sick, visit the incarcerated (Matthew 25:31-46). In no uncertain terms, He indicates that one's participation in these action reflects which eternal path one is traveling on. His followers are to be characterized by such actions, those who neglect these actions are not functioning followers.  

Live in Harmony
Jesus taught His disciples that the world would recognize Christ through the ability of His followers to live in harmony with each other (John 17:20-21). He explained that our ability to be remain in unity would demonstrate to the world the unity of the Father and the Son. His followers should be characterized by operating in unity.

Make Disciples
One of the most often identified commands of Jesus is found in Matthew 28:19-20. The essence of this command is to focus on making more disciples. He elaborates on this directive in three parts. Go to those who have not heard, share your faith, teach them how to live it out. 

How are we doing?
These are only a few of His teachings. I think they are among the most important. How do we measure up to just these four? If we are really His disciples, won't we do what He teaches? In examining your faith, are you fulfilling each these commands? How? I'll consider that in more detail in my next blog. For now, I encourage you to consider the following question.

How am I actually living out these directions?

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