Thursday, March 15, 2012

How will you respond to God?

by Timothy Howe

In Acts 16, we see where God prevented Paul from going down the path he was headed and gave him a new vision. Now we see Paul's response.

Paul responded to the Lord’s vision

When God gave Paul a clear vision, Paul did not ignore it. He responded. He acted.

He was willing to respond.
Paul knew the truth that one cannot use the two words "No" and "Lord" in the same sentence. Since his life was already surrendered to God, there was no issue for him to struggle with, "Should I go to Macedonia or should I stay here?" When the Lord spoke, he was willing and eager to say, "Yes."

He was able to respond.
We have already seen that Paul had put his life in a position that he could move at the impulse of God. Paul had left behind any hindrances that could have encumbered him. He was sitting in Troas so that he could cross over right into Macedonia the moment that word came from God. He made himself well prepared even though he was previously unaware of the exactitude of God's call because he had continuously sought God's will in his life up to this point. 

Paul responded to the Lord's vision immediately
Once Paul knew what the Lord expected of him, he responded immediately. He did not dither and worry about when the right moment might be to respond. He did so right away. Upon receiving the vision, he informed his team of their new directive and they set out. There was no delaying in order to set affairs straight. Since he was willing and able, he went.  

Paul responded to the Lord's vision correctly
The vision Paul received explicitly told him what to do. He was to take the gospel to Macedonia. Paul did not veer from this call. He went directly to Macedonia where the Lord had already orchestrated events so that Paul could meet Lydia and eventually start a church. 

Paul responded to the Lord's vision completely
Paul's response was "all in." He followed it completely, not adding to our taking away from God's call. He avoided the pitfalls of distractions along the way. The text indicates that at least Luke joined the team at this point suggesting that Paul retooled his team for the task God had given him. Paul accomplished the goal God set for him. Going to Macedonia, Paul preached the gospel to the God-fearer, to the crowd upset about the healing of the servant girl, to the jailer and presumably to the magistrates.

Are you both willing and able to respond to the Lord's vision for you? Will you do so immediately, correctly and completely. Doing so, may cause personal suffering - remember Paul was beaten and went to jail in Macedonia - but it can bring tremendous glory to God.

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