Friday, April 24, 2015

Supporting vs Doing

by Timothy Howe

Getting Involved
Summer is fast approaching. It will soon be time for picnics and family vacations. And for many churches and charities it will be one of the busiest times. Like many church leaders, we have traditionally been very involved in kids ministries during the summer since parents are happy to find activities for their bored children. Personally, it is fun for us to participate in sports, music and fun kids programs. Yet it is always hard finding volunteers to help with these activities. Understandably, the timing is off for some of these activities since people work or are out of town. In these cases, individuals often contribute resources when they are not able to help. 

Supporting vs. Doing
Some people have shared with me that they cannot do such and such, so they give to an institution to accomplish that purpose. Giving to agencies which carry out Christ's teaching is good. My family regular donates to such charities. These valuable and effective ministries require this sort of support to carry out the work that they are designed to accomplished. Supporting this work extends our capacity to minister because charitable ministries are often created with specialized strengths that maximize our charitable gifts. Supporting ministry, however, should not replace doing ministry. We are called to serve. Supporting ministry is valuable, but it should only be a part of our ministry effectiveness. 

Increasing Capacity
Supporting ministry that accomplishes what we are not capable of doing extends our overall effectiveness. Yet, each of us possesses gifts and strengths that allow for us to make our unique impact in the world. This does not mean that we have to be the expert of anything that we do. In all likelihood there will always be room to grow in whatever we do, but the continued exercise of our gifts and skills develop them over time to allow us to be better servants. If we allow our gifts to remain idle they will remain inadequate. As we utilize them, they grow and we increase our ministry capacity.

Faith Impact 
Our faith should affect our behavior. What we say we believe about Jesus and His teachings should be evident in how we live our lives. As people of faith we have the intrinsic hope in Christ and of the day when He will return. We know that His Spirit goes before us in ministry, His call is already on the lives of the hurting around us, and His work is going to achieve His purposes. The degree to which we employ our gifts towards that work speaks either to the degree to which we truly believe in Him or to which we are really committed to walking in discipleship. 

Are you ready to serve as well as support ministry?
Are you ready to increase your ministry capacity?
Are you ready for your faith to have an impact outside of yourself?

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